The Restructuring and Upgrading Office (BRMN) was created by Order 08-063/MCPEA/SG/DGDI of March 18, 2008. It is placed under the direct authority of the National Steering Committee (CPN), which implements decisions and is in direct contact with companies.
The BRMN, operational interface of the Programs (PRMN and PRED), communicates, raises awareness among companies, receives and processes applications for membership of companies in the various programs, monitors the execution of their restructuring and upgrading plan that it submits to the national steering committee, draws up contracts with the companies awarded bonuses or financing and ensures compliance with all the procedures in terms of validation of the various pre-diagnosis and strategic diagnosis reports, release of funds in the form of subsidies and/or credit granted to companies registered in the various Programs and monitoring of restructuring/upgrading plans validated by the National Steering Committee.
It implements stakeholder capacity building activities and carries out all actions to provide programs with the tools necessary for a good understanding of the target sectors and a correct assessment of the upgrading and restructuring plans.
The BRMN is led by a team of about ten people, five of whom come from the budget of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso, the other 5 come from the operating budget of the Office.