The National Steering Committee (CPN)
Pursuant to joint order No. 10-036 /MCPEA/MEF of May 5, 2010, the CPN is responsible for the strategic management of the program.
It is composed equally of 12 members representing equally the:
- Public Sector: six (06) representatives including four (04) from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts and two (02) from the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Private Sector: six (06) representatives: GPI, CNPB, CCI-BF, MEBF, ONECCA, APBEF
- The Presidency of the CPN is provided by the private sector, through the representative of the GPI, in the person of Mr. NABOLE Abdoulaye, also Director General of the Filature du Sahel (FILSAH).
The BRMN team
The BRMN technical team is made up of around ten multidisciplinary staff working under the following organizational chart :