The BRMN is an autonomous structure, technically credible and endowed with the appropriate logistical and human resources for its operation. It is placed under the supervision of the National Steering Committee (CPN), whose attributions, composition, organization and operation are set by joint decrees 09-012 /MCPEA/MEF of February 11, 2009 and amending decree 10- 036/MCPEA/MEF of May 5, 2010. He is in charge of the strategic management of the Restructuring and Upgrading Programs.
Pursuant to joint order No. 10-036 /MCPEA/MEF of May 5, 2010, the CPN is responsible for the strategic management of the program. It is composed equally of 12 members distributed as follows:
Public Sector: six (06) representatives including four (04) from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts and two (02) from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Private Sector: six (06) representatives: GPI, CNPB, CCI-BF, MEBF, ONECCA, APBEF
The Presidency of the CPN is provided by the private sector, through the representative of the GPI, in the person of Mr. NABOLE Abdoulaye, also Director General of the Filature du Sahel (FILSAH). The committee :
will also carry out regular studies and evaluations with a view to improving the program and disseminating the results. will coordinate the interventions of development partners in the country and define the modalities of intervention of the Program (internal regulations, BRMN procedures, criteria for joining the program and rates of premiums paid to companies). Ensure the implementation of the Restructuring Program for Businesses in Difficulty (PRED), initiated by the Government in response to the effects of the economic and financial crisis of 2008.